Hootsuite and Campaign Monitor Reviews

During this internship, I have gotten the chance to work with two social media management websites for the first time: Hootsuite and Campaign Monitor. Today's blog is about my experiences with these two platforms.


  • Hootsuite it very easy to use! As a first time user, I had no problems navigating the interface and figuring out how to use it.
  • Being able to schedule social media posts in advance is such a time-saver. In about 2 hours, I was able to schedule content for the next 4 weeks.
  • For Twitter, the link-shortening feature was incredibly helpful to save characters.
Campaign Monitor (CM)
  • Like Hootsuite, CM is easy to use and figure out. I experienced no problems as a first time user.
  • CM provides many pre-made email templates, which is incredibly helpful. It also saves lots of time!
  • The analytics available on CM are wonderful! I was able to quickly compare the various emails ShapeLog has sent to subscribers and get valuable feedback about which ones were most effective. Data available includes how many people opened the email, clicked a link, unsubscribed, or reported the email as spam.
  • I enjoyed creating emails on CM, and I definitely recommend it to other people creating marketing emails.


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