ShapeLog's Office Culture

As I near my college graduation date, I've been getting post-graduation advice from many people. One of the things I've heard over and over again is that when I start my first full-time job, the culture in the office will be a huge factor that could make or break my work experience. During my time at ShapeLog this summer, I've paid close attention to the culture in the office. Here are a few of the biggest things I've noted:

  • At ShapeLog, everyone's opinions are valued. Every member of the team gives input when they have it, and everyone else listens to it.
  • Frequent communication is valuable and necessary! Every Monday, the team has a conference call so that everyone is on the same page for the upcoming week.
  • Work/life balance is extremely important. Everyone in the office works hard, but they also know how to enjoy their free time as well. At the beginning of the weekly conference call, everyone shares a little bit about what they did over the weekend.
I have greatly enjoyed working at ShapeLog, and the office culture is positive and supportive.


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